Dr. Lori Gonzalez smiling at her Investiture ceremony
Dynamic Strategy

Dynamic Strategy

During the 2023–24 academic year, Ohio University will work together to develop a Dynamic Strategy to develop a set of shared University goals that will guide our work over the next five years. As President Lori Gonzalez announced in her Investiture address on October 18, 2023, she has charged four work groups, each of which will develop a concise list of goals in key areas.

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Dynamic Strategy Core Committee

的se leaders will serve as co-chairs of the Dynamic Strategy process and lead a core committee that will include the co-chairs of each of the four work groups.

Headshot of 迪安 Titsworth

Scott Titsworth

Dynamic Strategy Overall Co-Chair
迪安, Scripps College of Communication

Headshot of Dr. Char Miller

Char Miller

Dynamic Strategy Overall Co-Chair
Executive Director, School of Nursing, College of Health Sciences and Professions

David Nguyen
Co-Chair 学习
迪安; Associate Professor, Higher Education and Student Affairs
University College

Paul Shovlin
Co-Chair 学习
Associate Professor of Instruction, English
College of Arts & Sciences

Liz Beverly
Co-Chair Discover
Professor, Primary Care; Co-Director, Diabetes Institute
Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine

Chris France
Co-Chair Discover
Distinguished Professor, Psychology
College of Arts & Sciences

Imants Jaunarajs
Co-Chair 参与
Assistant Vice President
Student Affairs

Tracy Plouck 
Co-Chair 参与
Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service

Cindy Anderson
Co-Chair 工作
Chair, Sociology and Anthropology; Professor, Sociology; Senator, 教师 Senate
College of Arts & Sciences

Greg Fialko
Co-Chair 工作
Senior HR Director and Director of Benefits
University Human Resources

Mission and Vision Refresh

President Gonzalez has also charged a committee to work on a parallel path to refresh 俄亥俄州's University mission and vision. 的 University mission was last updated in 2007. It is the President's hope that the mission and vision will reflect the uniqueness of Ohio University and its work in the world.

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